Crosby Straightpoint CableSafe
The CableSafe is the continued evolution of SP’s running line tensiometers. Compatible with a wide range of rope and electrical cable diameters – 4-30mm.
When used in the field, it will allow the user to monitor tension with exceedingly high levels of accuracy, which ensures that rope/cables do not become overstretched or break.
When using a capstan winch to unwind electrical cable from a reel/spool, you will be able to integrate the CableSafe within this setup to ensure that it is being pulled at a safe tension level. This helps the line maintain its transmission capability, prevents it from becoming a fire hazard risk, and it also stops the need for further work in order to remove and replace it. The contractor is gifted with decreased liability and dramatically increased peace of mind, using CableSafe on cable pulls reduces liabilities on cable installations. Ideal for the following applications: