Analytical, Micro & Semi-Micro Balances
Analytical balances are used to weigh liquids, powders or crystalline matter to a very high degree of accuracy and precision. They have a stainless weighing pan enclosed within an airtight and dust-proof glass enclosure known as a draft shield or wind break to protect the weighing from external air movement.
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Analytical balances are used to weigh liquids, powders or crystalline matter to a very high degree of accuracy and precision. They have a stainless weighing pan enclosed within an airtight and dust-proof glass enclosure known as a draft shield or wind break to protect the weighing from external air movement. Multiple weighing units and other advanced features include stability indicator; overload and underload indicator; auto standby. Other features include Easy access communication ports including standard USB and RS232 and an optional third port of either RS232 or Ethernet. GLP/GMP Data Ouput with Real Time Clock. Data Transfer Function. Internal calibration allows the user to regularly check the balance calibration. All the analytical balances below have some or all of these features. A micro balance is a balance capable of making exacting measurements of weight of objects of relatively small mass in the order of a million parts of a gram. Comparatively speaking, a standard analytical balance is 100 times less accurate. Microbalances are generally used in a laboratories with a controlled environment.
A&D BM Micro Analytical Balance has the ability to eliminate static electricity using a built-in ionizer; motor driven Internal Calibration; interlockable slide doors allowing efficient operation with both hands; clearly visible, white-backlit LCD; RS-232C and Quick USB interfaces as standard. Ohaus Pioneer Analytical Balance has easily removed doors to facilitate cleaning; eighteen weighing units and one custom; standard RS232; three filter modes and adjustable zero tracking. Adam Anti-Vibration tables ideal compliment to the Analytical, Micro & Semi-Micro Balances; marble slab working surface of 400mm x 450mm; rugged construction for durability.