‘ Pallet Truck Scales a Pallet Truck Scale Innit ’?

‘ Pallet Truck Scales a Pallet Truck Scale Innit ’?
This was the response from a customer who was enquiring about a pallet truck scale when he was asked which type he required. This set me thinking.
We offer a wide range of pallet truck scales with every imaginable feature and accessory. The most popular trucks are at the budget end obviously and very good they are too. TPS, Adam PTS 2000 and the TPSS stainless are consistently good sellers. However, if a Pallet Truck Scale is required to do more than just lift, weigh and move the Dini Argeo range offer so much more.
TPWN09 features High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Totalization; Formula Weighing; +/- check weighing; Percentage Weighing; Counting. Optional Remote control and Parking brake.
TPWLK features High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Totalization; Formula Weighing; +/- check weighing; Percentage Weighing; Counting; Accumulation; In/Out truck weighing; Hold and Peak. Optional Thermal Printer; Real Time Clock; Radio Frequency module for RS-232 or PC; WI-FI Interface.
TPWA features High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Totalization; Formula Weighing; +/- check weighing; Percentage Weighing; Counting; Accumulation; In/Out truck weighing; Hold and Peak. Optional 2 inputs + 2 outputs configurable on gross or net weight; Thermal Printer; Real Time Clock; Radio Frequency module for RS-232 or PC; WI-FI Interface; Parking brake; Radio Frequency module for RS-232 or PC; WI-FI Interface.
TPWE features Swivelling column head; 24 alphanumeric waterproof keyboard; Time and Date; Advanced Totalization; Adva; Radio Frequency module for RS-232 or PC; WI-FI Interface; Radio Frequency module for RS-232 or PC; WI-FI Interface.
TPWP features ABS waterproof IP65 case; High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Totalization; Formula Weighing; +/- check weighing; Percentage Weighing; Counting. Optional 2 inputs + 2 outputs configurable on gross or net weight; Thermal Printer; Real Time Clock; Radio Frequency module for RS-232 or PC; WI-FI Interface; Parking brake; Radio Frequency module for RS-232 or PC; WI-FI Interface.
TWPI features extra thick Stainless Steel structure; IP68 Load Cells; IP68 Stainless steel case; Bi-directional RS-232C ports for printer and PC; High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Accumulation; Formula Weighing; +/- check weighing; Percentage Weighing; Counting; Accumulation; In/Out truck weighing; Hold and Peak. Optional 2 inputs + 2 outputs configurable on gross or net weight. Optional Thermal printer for column mounting; Time and Date; WI-FI interface; Parking brake.
TPWX2GD features Atex protection Zones 1 and 21 & 2 and 22; swivelling column head; High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Weighs accumulation; Formulation; Counting; In/Out weighing; Hold. Optional Parking brake; stainless forks; rechargeable Atex battery pack.
TPWX2GDI features extra thick Stainless Steel structure; Atex IP68 Load Cells; IP68 Stainless steel case; waterproof membrane keyboard; Atex protection Zones 1 and 21 & 2 and 22; swivelling column head; High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Weighs accumulation; Formulation; Counting; In/Out weighing; Hold. Optional Parking brake; rechargeable Atex battery pack.
TPWX3GDI features High resolution weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Accumulation; Formula Weighing; +/- check weighing; Percentage Weighing; Counting; In/Out Truck Weighing; Hold & Peak; Set Point Control; Stainless forks; Time and Date; Parking brake.
So there you have it. A range of Pallet Truck Scales to suit every imaginable application and the most discerning of users. A Pallet Truck Scale is not just a Pallet Truck Scale after all ‘innit’?.
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‘ Pallet Truck Scales a Pallet Truck Scale Innit ’?
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